A: Amplitude of current evoked from a DRG cell following successive applications of Mel (10, 5, 1 µM) showed dose-dependent decreases in evoked current. B: Plot of mean inward current amplitude evoked by different doses of melittin (2.5, 5, 10µM) in DRG cells (n=17, 15, 7, respectively). *, # p<0.05 compared to lowest dose (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on Ranks with Dunn’s post test). For this experiment each cell was exposed to only one dose. C: Sample trace of a current recording from a DRG cell following three repeated application of 2 µM Mel (Mel1, Mel2 and Mel3). There was a clear sensitization of the Mel-evoked inward current following repeated applications. D: Average responses to successive applications of 2 µM Mel (protocol as in C), normalized to the amplitude of the first response. ##,** P<0.01 vs. Mel1(Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with Bonferroni correction, n=20). Cells with no response to the first application excluded from the analysis.