Figure 4.
(A, Left) Bars represent mean percentage freezing behavior (±SEM) after presentation of shock during the training session. Animals that were trained with shocks (A+/A, white bar; A+/B, light gray bar) showed significantly more freezing during training than those not shocked (A/A, dark gray bar). (A, Right) Freezing behavior during retrieval was significantly higher for animals that were previously shocked and tested in Context A the following day (A+/A) compared to animals trained in Context A and tested in a novel context (A+/B) or animals that were never shocked (A/A). (B, C) Bars represent mean optical density values (±SEM) expressed as a percentage of home cage control. (B) Western blots conducted on rats sacrificed 60 minutes after retrieval of a contextual fear memory showed increased phosphorylated p70s6K compared to HC (black bar), A+/B and A/A conditions. (C) As a loading control membranes were exposed to antibody against total p70s6K and no differences were observed. A representative western blot image is pictured below graphs of western blot data.