1 |
Posterior vertex covered by coarse, concentric, semicircular rugae (Figs 64, 135) |
2 |
– |
Posterior vertex punctate to rugose, if rugae present then fine, irregular, or broadly interrupted medially (Figs 189, 266, 278) |
3 |
2 |
Striae of pronotum reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus anteriorly (Fig. 62) |
Trichoteleia albidipes Kieffer |
– |
Striae of pronotum separated from mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus by smooth area (Fig. 133) |
Trichoteleia irwini Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
3 |
Striae of pronotal shoulder forming uniform and continuous band with striae of posterior pronotal sulcus (Figs 12, 157, 282, as in 11, 211); posterior vertex with fine punctation, punctation sparse to moderately dense, without rugae (Figs 159, 284); metapleural triangle smooth or with fine sparse punctures (Figs 157, 282) |
4 |
– |
Posterior margin of pronotum with different patterns of sculpture above and below dorsal epomial carina (Figs 222, 246), or posterior vertex rugose (Figs 266, 278); metapleural triangle usually coarsely punctate or rugulose |
5 |
4 |
Axillular carina nearly straight and perpendicular to longitudinal axis of body (Fig. 12); mesosoma dark red to yellow (Figs 12, 157, 305) |
Trichoteleia levii Talamas & Johnson, sp. n. |
– |
Axillular carina rounded posteriorly (as in Fig. 11); mesosoma dark brown throughout (Fig. 282) |
Trichoteleia tonsa Talamas, sp. n. |
5 |
S2 coarsely punctate throughout with longitudinal median carina (Fig. 45); metasoma dark brown to black, elongate (Figs 81, 225) |
6 |
– |
Sculpture of S2 variable, if coarsely punctate then without longitudinal median carina; color and length of metasoma variable |
7 |
6 |
T2 with prominent sublateral carina (. 84); posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 straight between sublateral carinae (Fig. 84); T2 1.5 times as long as wide (Fig. 84); wings slightly infuscate (Fig. 81) |
Trichoteleia carinata Talamas & Johnson, sp. n. |
– |
T2 with longitudinal strigae of equal height throughout (Fig. 225); posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 convex (Fig. 225); T2 less than 1.2 times as long as wide (Fig. 225); wings darkly infuscate throughout (Fig. 225) |
Trichoteleia quazii Talamas, sp. n. |
7 |
Notaulus incomplete or reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus as a row of punctures (Figs 9, 10); frons below median ocellus evenly punctate throughout (Figs 130, 202, 273), rarely with dorsoventral rugulae laterally; S2 punctate, punctation usually coarse and uniform throughout (Fig. 43) |
8 |
– |
Notaulus complete and reaching mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus as a smooth furrow (Fig. 7, 8); sculpture of frons below median ocellus variable; S2 punctate, smooth, or longitudinally striate |
14 |
8 |
M+Cu and Rs+M in forewing spectral, i.e., not pigmented (Fig. 35) |
9 |
– |
M+Cu and Rs+M in forewing nebulous, i.e., pigmented (Figs 31–34, 36, 231) |
13 |
9 |
Mandible bidentate (Fig. 77); lateral propodeal area punctate rugose (Fig. 27) |
Trichoteleia bidentata Talamas, sp. n. |
– |
Mandible tridentate; sculpture of lateral propodeal area variable |
10 |
10 |
T3 longitudinally strigose (Fig. 274) |
Trichoteleia tezitra Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
T3 reticulate to reticulate rugose (Figs 60, 149) |
11 |
11 |
T2–T4 without interstitial microsculpture (Fig. 41); forewing with infuscate band medially (Fig. 35); width of posterior margin of T1 more than 2 times length of T1 (Fig. 41) |
Trichoteleia afo Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
T2–T4 with interstitial microsculpture present (Fig. 42); forewing hyaline throughout (Fig. 42); width of posterior margin of T1 less than 2 times length of T1 (Fig. 42) |
12 |
12 |
Dorsal metapleural area with smooth glabrous strip (Fig. 52); head and mesosoma entirely black (Figs 51, 52) |
Trichoteleia bicolor Talamas, sp. n. |
– |
Dorsal metapleural area entirely punctate rugose (Fig. 50); head and mesosoma orange to pale brown becoming darker dorsally (Figs 49, 50) |
Trichoteleia jiro Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
13 |
Central of keel of frons absent (Fig. 4), if faintly present then not extending onto interantennal process (Fig. 202); metapleural triangle mostly smooth, with very sparse fine punctures along anteroventral perimeter (Fig. 199) |
Trichoteleia pauliani (Risbec) |
– |
Central keel of frons present and extending onto interantennal process (Figs 3, 130); metapleural triangle rugulose with fine to coarse punctation (Fig. 127) or coarsely punctate rugose |
Trichoteleia hemlyae Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
14 |
R1 (postmarginal vein) equal in length to r (stigmal vein) (Fig. 36); postacetabular sulcus present as a smooth furrow (Fig. 16); posterior propodeal projection present as small apical flange (Fig. 25) |
Trichoteleia tahotra Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
R1 (postmarginal vein) longer than r (stigmal vein) (as in Figs 31–32); postacetabular sulcus comprised of cells, cells of variable size (Figs 139, 187, 234, as in Fig. 15); posterior propodeal projection absent (Fig. 28, as in Fig. 27) |
15 |
15 |
Lateral propodeal area large, mostly smooth (Figs 28, 53); T2–T3 densely microsculptured (Fig. 54); smooth area on frons small; metascutellar spines short, blunt (Figs 28, 53); posterior vertex coarsely punctate rugose (Fig. 53); occipital rim comprised of large cells (Fig. 53); frons below median ocellus densely punctate, without dorsoventral strigae (Fig. 279) |
Trichoteleia tigris Talamas, sp. n. |
– |
Lateral propodeal area small to moderate sized, if large then coarsely rugose; T2–T3 microsculpture absent or very shallowly impressed; smooth area on medial frons large; other characters variable but without the combination above |
16 |
16 |
Posterior margin of metapleuron with small posterolaterally projecting spine near intersection with metapleural sulcus (Fig. 29); density of microtrichae on hind wing reduced posterior to Sc+R (as in Fig. 34); T3 smooth or with very faint traces of longitudinal sculpture (Fig. 37) |
Trichoteleia nify Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
Metapleural spine absent, sometimes a blunt angular projection present on posterior margin (Fig. 139); density of microtrichae uniform throughout hind wing (Figs 31–33); sculpture of T3 variable |
17 |
17 |
T5 densely punctate throughout (Fig. 40); interantennal process with large dorsal flange (Fig. 187); frons below median ocellus dorsoventrally strigose (Fig. 190) |
Trichoteleia orona Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
T5 sparsely to moderately punctate (Fig. 265), punctation usually reduced medially, crenulae sometimes present laterally; interantennal process simple or with dorsal carina, rarely with small dorsal flange; frons below median ocellus variable |
18 |
18 |
Area between antero-admedian lines with parallel transverse rugae (Fig. 7); pronotal cervical sulcus present as a smooth furrow; body black (Fig. 263) |
Trichoteleia takariva Talamas, sp. n. |
– |
Area between antero-admedian lines punctate, very rarely with 1–2 rugae (Fig. 8); other characters variable but without the combination above |
19 |
19 |
T5 punctate rugulose (Fig. 238); lateral T4 with longitudinal strigae or reticulations (Fig. 238) |
Trichoteleia rugifrons Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
T5 smooth between punctures (Figs 143, 256); lateral T4 smooth or with small patch of very faint striae or crenulae (Figs 143, 256) |
20 |
20 |
Central keel on frons ventrally bifurcating around interantennal process (Figs 5, 255); gena finely striate or punctate rugulose (Fig. 252) |
Trichoteleia subtilis Talamas & Masner, sp. n. |
– |
Central keel on frons extending onto dorsal surface of interantennal process (Figs 6, 139); gena coarsely strigose (Fig. 139) |
Trichoteleia janus Talamas, sp. n. |