Fig 1.
Separation of Sal and BTIQ enantiomers by the proposed chiral CE-MS/MS method: (a) TIC of m/z 180 from Sal separation; (b) MS2 of m/z 180 from (a); (c) TIC of m/z 224 from BTIQ separation; and (d) MS2 of m/z 224 from (c). Separation conditions: running buffer, 20 mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.5) containing 1 mM sulfated β-CD with the use of partial filling technique; capillary, 50 μm id × 75 cm length; and voltage applied, positive 25 kV. ESI-MS detection conditions: sheath liquid, 50% methanol (v/v) with 0.1% acetic acid at 2 μL /min; ESI spray voltage, 4 kV; detection mode, positive. Ananlyte concentration: 25 μM for each enantiomer.