Table 1.
Statistics showing neobothriotaxy of the pedipalp chela of the Hadrurus “hirsutus” group. In particular, two disjunct populations of Hadrurus pinteri are contrasted showing that for two of the three trichobothrial series, the southern population (i.e., Baja California Sur) has the largest number of accessory trichobothria, roughly a 7.5 % increase. MVD = mean value difference; p-value = Anova output. Statistical data group: minimum–maximum (mean) (±SDEV) [N] {standard error range} (coefficient of variability) (SDEV/mean). * includes orthobothriotaxic trichobothria V1–V4. Many of the statistics are from previous studies, as well as new material examined in this project. See Soleglad (1976), Soleglad and Fet (2004), Fet et al. (2004), and Fet and Soleglad (2008).
Chela Neobothriotaxy Statistics for Hadrurus “hirsutus” Group | ||
Hadrurus pinteri, Baja California, Mexico (“Norte” half of peninsula) | ||
Ventral* | 22–26 (24.292) (±1.429) [024] {22.863–25.721} (0.059) | |
Internal | 5–6 ( 5.692) (±0.471) [026] { 5.222–6.163} (0.083) | |
External | 3–4 ( 3.500) (±0.511) [024] { 2.989–4.011} (0.146) | |
Hadrurus pinteri, Baja California Sur, Mexico (“Sur” half of peninsula) | ||
Ventral* | 23–32 (26.245) (±1.870) [053] {24.375–28.115} (0.071) | MVD/p-value: Sur > 8.0%/2.06E-05 |
Internal | 5–7 ( 5.611) (±0.564) [054] { 5.048–6.175} (0.100) | MVD/p-value: Sur < 1.4%/ 0.527192 |
External | 3–5 ( 3.759) (±0.612) [054] { 3.147–4.372} (0.163) | MVD/p-value: Sur > 7.4%/ 0.074043 |
Hadrurus pinteri, all of Baja California, Mexico | ||
Ventral* | 22–32 (25.636) (±1.960) [077] {23.677–27.596} (0.076) | |
Internal | 5–7 ( 5.637) (±0.534) [080] { 5.104–6.171} (0.095) | |
External | 3–5 ( 3.679) (±0.592) [078] { 3.087–4.272} (0.161) | |
Hadrurus concolorous | ||
Ventral* | 15–20 (17.804) (±1.170) [158] {16.634–18.974} (0.066) | |
Internal | 3–5 ( 4.154) (±0.493) [162] { 3.661–4.647} (0.119) | |
External | 1–2 ( 1.226) (±0.420) [159] { 0.807–1.646} (0.342) | |
Hadrurus hirsutus | ||
Ventral* | 14–16 (15.682) (±0.568) [022] {15.114–16.250} (0.036) | |
Internal | 4–5 ( 4.048) (±0.218) [021] { 3.829–4.266} (0.054) | |
External | 1–2 ( 1.048) (±0.218) [021] { 0.829–1.266} (0.208) |