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. 2010 Nov 29;20(3):189–195. doi: 10.1136/tc.2010.038398

Table 2.

Themes related to problems arising from smoking on construction worksites, and voluntary measures that reduced or ameliorated problems

Theme and comments Illustrative quotations
Problems arising
Fires and safety:
Fires from cigarette butts dropped out of windows, onto grounds and into trash barrels
Other unsafe practices while smoking, such as on ladders
There's a section where we're working that the garage wall is open to the living room. I'm standing there talking to the builder and I smelled something burning and we looked over near the garage wall and there was smoke coming up and it turns out that the BRAINLESS PIECE OF SH!T [tradesperson] threw his cigarette butt into the garage and it landed on a towel and the towel caught on fire.
He takes his cig butt and tosses it under the chop box cause he saw me walking around the corner. The fine saw dust under the chopper went up in a blaze in 2 seconds. Another low life scumbag like the [tradesperson] on the job I was on! NO EXCUSE AT ALL and it's NOT AN ACCIDENT EITHER!!!!!!!
Breaks and productivity:
Effects of smoke breaks and nicotine withdrawal on productivity
Resentment by non-smokers
Non-smokers appearing better to the boss
I figure u get about 7 hrs of work out of a smoker in average day. Why should a non-smoker have to work more cuz he doesn't have a habit that requires a break every half hour?
Smoke breaks don't mean tools down.
It just makes those of us who don't smoke look better. When the smokers are lighting up a dozen times a day we keep working, and it might happen that we bang hammers a little more often to highlight who's working and who's not.
Litter and unprofessional appearance:
Litter, damage and unsightliness of smoking
Smoking described as unprofessional
I can stand the smell (would vote against it) but it's the trash that comes with it! Drives me nuts! Wrappers, ends, boxes and the like. Keep the trash where it belongs! And don't smoke in my truck!!
I still can't believe that smokers think that they have the right to smoke where they want and throw the butts on the floor or ground like a bunch of disgusting pigs.
Interpersonal conflict:
Examples of conflict between smoking and non-smoking coworkers and occasions where smokers and non-smokers had found it difficult to share a workspace
The need for negotiation between individuals, in the absence of rules or enforcement
One kid helper kept lighting up as we're working shoulder to shoulder. I told him those cigarettes were gonna be the death of him. Because if he didn't put that damn thing out I was gonna kill him.
I told the guy to either get away from me with his cig or I was gonna rearrange his face.
Difficult for former smokers and those trying to quit:
Smell of smoke, access to cigarettes and presence of smokers at work as triggers for withdrawal and relapse
Sure would be easy to bum a smoke or two and become a regular smoker again. I don't mind having sporadic contact with smokers, just can't work right next to one.
It's not that smokers deny the stink of cigarettes, it's that they just have no sense of smell! I quit for 2 weeks once and—man did cigarettes really stink at that time…
Voluntary measures which reduce problems
Efforts made by smokers to limit litter and secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure:
Statements that problems such as littering were not necessary consequences of smoking at work
I smoke… it's my only vice. I do it outside… always… and always have a soda can for my butts, which goes in my own trash bag.
Daily jobsite cleanliness. No debate here—JUST DO IT!
Courteous efforts/and need for recognition of accommodations We spend more waking hours with our coworkers and other people's homes than we do with our families at our own homes (generally speaking) and I think we owe it to everyone to be professional and respectful.
It annoys me when yet another person I don't know lectures me about my lack of consideration because they saw me holding my cigarette and lighter while on my way out to stand in the rain and smoke.
Maintaining personal space:
Maintaining space between smokers and non-smokers as an important, or sufficient, means to prevent SHS exposure and conflict
It is something a nonsmoker can easily avoid by the simple expediency of moving away from the smoker. I'll accommodate you by not subjecting you to my habit other than the way I smell and you can accommodate me by just leaving me alone with my cigarette.
Personally, I don't want anyone within arms length of me except the wife, it's my personal space and unless you are giving me life support, I don't want anyone close enough to smell their breath…period.