Table 4.
Massage Routine for Hamstring Group (Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus) Adapted from Chaitow and DeLany 2002(11)
Position | Participant prone on massage table, feet supported on a 4-inch foam wedge |
Practitioner on lateral side of hamstring being treated | |
Method | 1. Lateral aspect of muscle group identified through resisted knee flexion. |
2. Gliding strokes with lubrication applied distally to proximally beginning at most lateral and posterior aspect of thigh and moving medially to encompass the entirety of the biceps femoris group. Therapist uses palmer surface of hand and applies 8 strokes cephalically and segmentally in 3 sections, laterally to medially (a total of 24 strokes applied until entirety of muscle group is treated). | |
3. Areas identified by therapist as restricted, or that reproduce pain pattern, are retreated with thumb compression of 10 s. The therapist identifies 5 areas for treatment. | |
4. Proximal attachment of hamstrings identified by hip extension and knee flexion while palpating the ischial tuberosity. | |
5. Compression with thumbs applied for 3 bouts of 10 s, followed by medial–lateral friction for 10 s on the insertion of ischial tuberosity. | |
6. Knee is moved into passive flexion to identify distal attachment, pincer compression used to grasp tendons individually. Manipulative compression is applied from most proximal palpable lateral tendon to tibia/fibula for 2 minutes. Cross-friction is applied at insertion for 10 s. | |
Reposition | Practitioner to contralateral side of the table |
Method | 7. Gliding strokes with lubrication applied distally to proximally, beginning at most medial, posterior aspect of thigh and moving laterally, encompassing the entirety of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus. Therapist uses palmer surface of hand and applies 8 strokes cephalically and segmentally, moving medially to laterally in 3 sections until entirety of muscle group is treated (total of 24 strokes applied until entirety of muscle group is treated). |
8. Areas identified by therapist as restricted, or that reproduce pain pattern, are re-treated with thumb compression of 10 s. The therapist identifies 5 areas for treatment. | |
9. Manipulative compression is applied in same manner as in step 7, to semimembranosus and semitendinosus insertion on tibia. For 2 minutes, cross-friction is applied at insertion for 10 s. |