FIG. 2.
Percentage of all half-biopsies which were positive for recovery (A) and average recovery of CFU per half-biopsy (B). Data are from five pigs inoculated three times at 14-day intervals. Four lesions from live H. ducreyi inoculations were collected from each animal 2 and 7 days after each inoculation. CFU per half-biopsy were enumerated by mincing and plating half of each biopsy on chocolate agar. Recovery of one bacterium was sufficient to mark the lesion biopsy as positive for recovery. (A) Fraction numerators are the number of lesion biopsies positive for recovery, whereas denominators are the total number of lesion biopsies analyzed at that time point. Bars represent percentages of culture-positive lesion biopsies. (B) Average CFU per half-biopsy was calculated for each time point by dividing the total CFU recovered by the number of biopsies analyzed. This graph displays means and standard deviations.