FIG. 6.
Virulence defects are not due to defects in cell-to-cell spread. Competitive indices were determined as described in the legend to Fig. 4. For the ΔActA data sets, all strains, including the reference strain secreting wild-type LLO, had an in-frame deletion in actA that eliminated actin-based motility. (A) 24 hr and 48 hr indicate the times of organ harvest. The data points are the ratios of the number of CFU of erythromycin-resistant LLO L461T bacteria to the number of CFU of wild-type bacteria in the spleen and liver. The 24 hr ΔActA and 48 hr ΔActA data points are the ratios of the number of erythromycin-resistant ΔActA LLO L461T bacteria to the number of wild-type LLO-secreting bacteria without the ActA gene recovered from the spleen and liver at 24 and 48 h, respectively. (B) Competitive indices established like those described for panel A, except that LLO S44A erythromycin-resistant mutants were used. wt, wild type.