Quantification of NAAG and NAAG2 in mouse tissues. Methanol extracts were prepared form the indicated brain regions/tissues. Note that the forebrain samples lacked part of the cortex of one hemisphere, as cortex samples were analyzed separately. NAAG2 (A) and NAAG (B) concentrations were determined by ESI-MS (black bars) (see Fig. 6). In addition, NAAG concentrations were determined by HPLC in the same extracts (gray bars). Both methods gave similar results. Neither NAAG nor NAAG2 were detectable in liver. The detection limit (indicated by a dotted line) for NAAG2 was 0.8 nmol/g of tissue (wet weight). The detection limit for NAAG was 9.4 (HPLC method) and 0.9 (ESI-MS method) nmol/g of tissue (wet weight). Shown are the mean ± S.D. (n = 4) of four independent experiments. N.D., not determined.