Fig. 5.
Classification of SCA1, SCA2, SCA6, and MSA-C by MRS. a Metabolite concentrations for individual subjects are shown in this two-part figure. Total NAA concentration in the cerebellar hemispheres (CH) distinguished patients with SCA1 (1), SCA2 (2), and MSA-C (M) from controls (C) and patients with SCA6 (6), who were further classified by the myo-inositol (myo-Ins) levels in the vermis and total creatine levels in the CH, respectively. b Tree classification procedure that includes the [tNAA]/[myo-Ins] ratio in CH. The MRS predictors and the threshold levels used (no units for the [tNAA]/[myo-Ins] ratio, μmol/g for concentrations) are shown at each step, e. g. subjects who had a [tNAA]/[myo-Ins] ratio in the CH higher than 1.3 were classified as controls. At each step of this analysis, one patient was misclassified