Gli1(+) cells in the telogen hair follicle regenerate the anagen follicle and self renew for normal lifespan of the animal. Also see Figure S5.
(A) Scheme of experiment with TM induction of Gli1-GIFM mice in telogen phase of hair cycle prior to depilation.
(B-E) X-gal staining of Gli1-GIFM skin throughout hair cycle showing expansion of initially labeled cells during anagen regrowth. Scale bars=100μm.
(F, H) X-gal staining of fate-mapped cells in Gli1-GIFM skin 1 year after labeling during telogen. Labeled cells retain the ability to regenerate the anagen follicle. Arrowhead; labeling in bulge region, outline; DP. Scale bars=100μm.
(G) Immunostaining anagen follicle in same mice given EdU, showing proliferating GIFM labeled cells. Arrowheads; Edu(+) ßgal(+) cells in ORS. Scale bar=100μm.
(I) X-gal staining of control and denervated Gli1-GIFM skin induced with TM during telogen and collected 14 days after anagen onset. Scale bars=100μm.