Figure S6.
Electron Microscopy of C. reinhardtii crN-CC and crN-6HR, Related to Figure 6
(A, B) Electron micrographs of crN-CC (A) and crN-CC[F145E] (B) after glycerol spraying and rotary metal shadowing. Protein concentration was 1 mg/ml for both samples. Scale bars are indicated. Arrows in panel (A) highlight the ring oligomers only obtained with crN-CC.
(C) Electron micrographs of crN-6HR ring oligomers after glycerol spraying and rotary metal shadowing. Scale bar, 50 nm.
(D) Histogram representation of mean diameters measured from crN-6HR ring oligomers shown in (C). Note that the observed mean ring diameter and their distribution are very similar to those observed with crN-CC (Figure 6F).