HL, LPL, and EL, but not PL, copurify with the Lmf1 protein. HEK293 cells were cotransfected with Lmf1 and each of four affinity-tagged lipase constructs (HL, LPL, PL, and EL), including an empty vector control (vect). The top and middle panels represent Western blots of total cell lysates visualized using antibody (Ab) to either lipase-specific (V5) or Lmf1-specific (c-myc) epitope tags. Each expressed lipase construct was then affinity (affi) purified from total cell lysates under mild conditions that favor retention of protein-protein interactions. The bottom panel represents a Western blot of the affinity-purified lipases probed using antibody directed to the Lmf1-specific epitope tag.