Table 2.
Baseline clinical factors for survivors and nonsurvivors with ARDS
Survivors | Nonsurvivors | p | |
Female gender | 50 (43%) | 51 (52%) | 0.27 |
Chronic liver disease | 4 (4%) | 9 (9%) | 0.15 |
Sepsis without shock | 44 (38%) | 24 (24%) | 0.039 |
Septic shock | 53 (46%) | 63 (64%) | 0.013 |
Direct pulmonary injury | 80 (70%) | 65 (66%) | 0.56 |
Steroids given during ARDS | 39 (34%) | 36 (36%) | 0.77 |
Age | 58 (18, 90) | 72 (22, 97) | <0.0001 |
APACHE III | 51 (3, 99) | 66 (16, 131) | <0.0001 |
Units of RBCs transfused | 1.0 (0, 31) | 2.0 (0, 63) | <0.009 |
For dichotomous variables, the number of patients is listed with percent of total in parenthesis. For the continuous covariates age, APACHE III score, and number of units of RBCs transfused, the median is listed with the range in parentheses.
ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; RBC, red blood cell.