Figure 3. IP and MS analysis of Fab094 binding to rabies virus protein.
(A) Proteins immunoprecipitated by Fab094 were separated by SDS-PAGE and probed with mAb(C86307M) by Western blot. (M): protein marker. (1): One protein was recognized by mAb(C86307M). The molecular weight of the protein was about 67 kDa. (2): BHK-21 lysate was used as the negative control to replace Fab094 in the IP. (B): MS spectrums of fragment ions were from the 67 kDa protein. Eight major (m/zā=ā175.038, 262.012, 362.927, 463.973, 634.074, 737.207, 852.205, 1370.649) ions were detected.