Figure 1.
Representative results from the methylation-specific PCR assay can be seen for the p16 gene. Visualization of a band in the U lane indicates the presence of unmethylated DNA in the p16 promoter, whereas a band in the M lane indicates the presence of methylated DNA in the p16 promoter. We confirmed the presence of methylated DNA by sequencing the promoter region amplified by the PCR primers. The representative gel below shows that one BE patient who initially presented with low-grade dysplasia and progressed pathologically to cancer had hypermethylated promoter DNA in the p16 gene in an esophagus biopsy taken at initial presentation. Meanwhile, another BE patient who also initially presented with low-grade dysplasia but did not progress pathologically did not have any promoter hypermethylation detected in the p16 gene on initial esophagus biopsy.