Figure 2.
Comparison of architectural and physiological methods of measuring maximum isometric force (A) and maximum shortening velocity (B). Filled circles correspond to individual muscles and error bars correspond to standard deviation in each measurement. The unfilled square point in (B) corresponds to the architecturally derived maximum shortening velocity of VM assuming an intermediate sarcomere shortening velocity (28.05 μm s−1; see Discussion). The linear regression (dashed line) of the maximum isometric force data has a slope of 1.00 and correlation coefficient r = 0.98. The linear regression of the maximum shortening velocity has a slope of 0.85. When using the fast sarcomere shortening velocity of VM (42.7 μm s−1, shown as filled circles) the correlation coefficient was r = 0.88, and when using the intermediate sarcomere shortening velocity of VM (28.05 μm s−1, shown as an unfilled square) or eliminating it the correlation coefficient was r = 0.97.