Figure 1. OCAM disrupts compartmentalization of axonal and dendritic profiles within olfactory bulb glomeruli.
A, olfactory bulb glomeruli from wild-type (left) and OCAM knockout (right) were immunostained with an anti-olfactory marker protein (OMP) antibody (red). The labelled areas represent axodendritic subcompartments whereas the unlabelled areas are dendrodendritic subcompartments. We superimposed a grid of 3.5 μm squares (to the right) and calculated the fraction of OPM-positivity within each square. B, the bar graph plots the number of grid squares as a function of the percentage of OMP-labelled area within the square. Wild-type glomeruli showed a large number of grid squares that were completely OMP-positive squares (black circles), whereas the OCAM knockout had squares with a mix of labelled and unlabelled areas (grey triangles). The clustering coefficient as computed for squares in the 25–75% range (arrows) was higher for the knockout. ***P < 0.001. The bar graph shows data from 20 wild-type glomeruli and 19 OCAM knockout glomeruli with 3 animals in each group.