Phenotypes of axe1-5, fld-6, and axe1-5/fld-6. A, axe1-5, fld-6, and axe1-5/fld-6 plants grown under LD conditions compared with the Col wild type. B, Rosette leaf numbers at bolting of Col, axe1-5, fld-6, and axe1-5/fld-6 plants grown under LD and SD conditions. Error bars indicate sd. At least 20 plants were scored for each line. * Some axe1-5 plants and all of the fld-6 and axe1-5/fld-6 plants did not flower 220 d after germination, and the rosette leaf number was counted at 220 d. C, qRT-PCR analysis of the expression of FLC, MAF4, and MAF5 in Col, axe1-5, fld-6, and axe1-5/fld-6 plants grown under LD conditions for 20 d. The values shown are means ± sd. [See online article for color version of this figure.]