Relative activities of the arginine mutants in comparison
to WT LTC4S.
A, relative activities of the arginine mutants
in comparison to WT LTC4S are shown with S.D. The
enzyme activities of the mutant enzymes with LTA4 and
LTA4-Me were normalized to the enzyme activities
of the WT LTC4S with LTA4 and
LTA4-Me, respectively. The open
and the closed bars depict the relative enzyme
activities measured using LTA4 (F)
and LTA4-Me (M), respectively.
B, the arginine residues mutated in this
work are shown by stick models. The ribbon
model with green is a monomer in the
LTC4S trimer, and the other two are shown in
gray. The translucent stick
model with yellow carbons
represents the putative LTA4 binding model, and the
alkyl chain of the dodecyl maltoside used for the modeling of
the LTA4 is shown by the stick model
with orange carbons. The conformation of the
side chain of Arg-31 is the one most commonly observed (55). The side chain did not
have a uniform conformation in the crystal structure. Therefore,
the side chain of Arg-31 modeled was represented by the
translucent stick model.