Table 1.
Water supply, sanitation and hygiene interventions—main features of reviewed economic evaluation studies.
Studies (intervention options) | Country | Study type and year of cost data | Benefits included | Costs included | Key results | Reference and source |
Water supply only | ||||||
Household disinfection and storage for HIV people | Uganda (rural) | CEA; RCT; 2004 | Health (diarrhea) | Capital, O&M | US$5.2 DCA US$1,252 DALY |
[27]PM |
Global (AFR-E and SEAR-D presented; AFR-E shown here) | CEA; Model; 2002 | Health (diarrhea) | Construction, O&M, programmer |
[26]PM |
Sanitation only | ||||||
Italy (Venice) | CMA; programmer; 2005 | Treatment efficacy | Capital, O&M (excluding land) | Wetland half to one eighth cost | [28]PM |
U.K. (urban) | CEA; CMA; programmer; 2005 | Treatment efficacy | Capital, O&M (including land) | Stabilization pond one third to one seventh cost of wetland | [31]PM |
Latrine improvement (construction or rehabilitation) | Afghanistan (Kabul) | CEA; case-control study; 1999 | Child mortality (diarrhea only) | Provider and household | US$3,436 per death averted | [29]PM |
Indonesia (Surabaya) | CBA; model; 2001 | User fees; health costs; productivity | Construction, O&M |
[30]BC |
Health and hygiene education only | ||||||
Health education for mothers | Burkina Faso (Bobo-Dioulasso) | CEA; programmer evaluation and model; 1999 | Health (diarrhea children under 5) | Start-up/running costs to provider and household | US$51 DCA US$8 DCA including cost offsets |
[32]PM |
Bangladesh (rural) | CER; randomized intervention; 1995 | Health (intestinal parasites) | Programmer costs |
[33,113]PM |
Combined WSH interventions | ||||||
Guinea | CEA; model; 1994 | Health (diarrhea children under 5) | Programmer costs |
[35]PM |
Global, regional (AFR-E presented here) | CBA; model; 2000 | Health; VOSL; productivity, time savings | Capital, O&M costs |
[25,114] PM, DR |
Global, regional (AFR-E presented here) | CBA; model; 2000 | Health, VOSL, productivity, time savings | Capital, O&M costs |
[34]PM |
Integrated biogas, latrine and hygiene programmer | Africa-wide, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia | CBA; model with field data; 2006 | Fuel, health, productivity, VOSL, forest, greenhouse gases, time, lighting | Construction, O&M, programmer costs | BCR > 4.5 EIRR > 78% |
[36]DR |
Global (generic) | CEA; model; 1996 | Health (diarrhea children under 5) | Construction, O&M for HW; programmer costs for SW |
[37]PM |
Abbrevations: ORS, oral rehydration salts; SW, software (hygiene and education); HW, hardware; CBA, cost-benefit analysis; CEA, cost-effectiveness analysis; CMA, cost-minimization analysis; RCT, randomized controlled trial; AFR-E, Africa WHO epidemiological strata E; SEAR-D, Southeast Asia WHO epidemiological strata D; WHO, World Health Organization; BCR, benefit-cost ratio; CER, cost-effectiveness ratio; CM, EIRR, economic internal rate of return; DEWATS, decentralized wastewater treatment; EcoSan, ecological sanitation; STP, off-site sewage treatment plant; DCA, diarrhea case averted; DALY, disability-adjusted life year (averted); PR, prevalence reduction.
Notes: Source: PM, PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health); BC, book chapter; PR, other peer reviewed sources; DR, United Nations, donor, university or NGO report.