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. 2008 Dec 19;2:137–155. doi: 10.4137/EHI.S1152

Table 1.

Water supply, sanitation and hygiene interventions—main features of reviewed economic evaluation studies.

Studies (intervention options) Country Study type and year of cost data Benefits included Costs included Key results Reference and source
Water supply only
Household disinfection and storage for HIV people Uganda (rural) CEA; RCT; 2004 Health (diarrhea) Capital, O&M US$5.2 DCA
US$1,252 DALY
  1. Source-based protection

  2. Household chlorination

  3. Household filtration

  4. Household solar disinfection

  5. Household flocculation

Global (AFR-E and SEAR-D presented; AFR-E shown here) CEA; Model; 2002 Health (diarrhea) Construction, O&M, programmer
  1. US$123 DALY

  2. US$53 DALY

  3. US$142 DALY

  4. US$61 DALY

  5. US$472 DALY

Sanitation only
  1. Constructed wetland

  2. Wastewater treatment plant

Italy (Venice) CMA; programmer; 2005 Treatment efficacy Capital, O&M (excluding land) Wetland half to one eighth cost [28]PM
  1. Constructed wetlands

  2. Waste stabilization ponds

U.K. (urban) CEA; CMA; programmer; 2005 Treatment efficacy Capital, O&M (including land) Stabilization pond one third to one seventh cost of wetland [31]PM
Latrine improvement (construction or rehabilitation) Afghanistan (Kabul) CEA; case-control study; 1999 Child mortality (diarrhea only) Provider and household US$3,436 per death averted [29]PM
  1. DEWATS + EcoSan

  2. DEWATS + biogas

  3. STP

Indonesia (Surabaya) CBA; model; 2001 User fees; health costs; productivity Construction, O&M
  1. BCR 1.1

  2. BCR 0.92

  3. BCR 0.66

Health and hygiene education only
Health education for mothers Burkina Faso (Bobo-Dioulasso) CEA; programmer evaluation and model; 1999 Health (diarrhea children under 5) Start-up/running costs to provider and household US$51 DCA
US$8 DCA including cost offsets
  1. Chemotherapy months 0,18

  2. Chemo. Months 0,6,12,18

  3. Health education

  4. Option 2 and 3 combined

Bangladesh (rural) CER; randomized intervention; 1995 Health (intestinal parasites) Programmer costs
  1. 3% PR per US$1

  2. 2.5% PR per US$1

  3. 0.3% PR per US$1

  4. 1.1% PR per US$1

Combined WSH interventions
  1. Latrines and safe water

  2. ORS (moderate diarrhea)

  3. Treat severe diarrhea

Guinea CEA; model; 1994 Health (diarrhea children under 5) Programmer costs
  1. US$343 death

  2. US$7 death

  3. US$74 death

  1. Water improvement alone

  2. Water and sanitation

  3. Household water treatment

Global, regional (AFR-E presented here) CBA; model; 2000 Health; VOSL; productivity, time savings Capital, O&M costs
  1. BCR 4.9

  2. BCR 6.0

  3. BCR 6.3

[25,114] PM, DR
  1. Water and sanitation

  2. Household water treatment

Global, regional (AFR-E presented here) CBA; model; 2000 Health, VOSL, productivity, time savings Capital, O&M costs
  1. US£534 DALY

  2. US$24 DALY

Integrated biogas, latrine and hygiene programmer Africa-wide, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia CBA; model with field data; 2006 Fuel, health, productivity, VOSL, forest, greenhouse gases, time, lighting Construction, O&M, programmer costs BCR > 4.5
EIRR > 78%
  1. SW added to existing HW

  2. HW and SW combined

  3. HW only

  4. SW only

  5. ORS

Global (generic) CEA; model; 1996 Health (diarrhea children under 5) Construction, O&M for HW; programmer costs for SW
  1. US$20 DALY

  2. US$413 DALY

  3. US$1152 DALY

  4. US$44 DALY

  5. US$24 DALY


Abbrevations: ORS, oral rehydration salts; SW, software (hygiene and education); HW, hardware; CBA, cost-benefit analysis; CEA, cost-effectiveness analysis; CMA, cost-minimization analysis; RCT, randomized controlled trial; AFR-E, Africa WHO epidemiological strata E; SEAR-D, Southeast Asia WHO epidemiological strata D; WHO, World Health Organization; BCR, benefit-cost ratio; CER, cost-effectiveness ratio; CM, EIRR, economic internal rate of return; DEWATS, decentralized wastewater treatment; EcoSan, ecological sanitation; STP, off-site sewage treatment plant; DCA, diarrhea case averted; DALY, disability-adjusted life year (averted); PR, prevalence reduction.

Notes: Source: PM, PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health); BC, book chapter; PR, other peer reviewed sources; DR, United Nations, donor, university or NGO report.