Figure 5.
Distribution of the P. luminescens TT01 (Pl), P. asymbiotica ATCC43949 (Pa), X. nematophila ATCC19061 (Xn) and X. bovienii SS-2004 (Xb) modules among five subsets: i) modules found exclusively in the genome of the strain of interest ("strain" modules); ii) modules found exclusively in the genomes of the two Photorhabdus strains or the two Xenorhabdus strains ("genus" modules); iii) modules present in at least one Photorhabdus genome and one Xenorhabdus genome but absent from genomes of other bacteria of the "Entero" set ("Photo-Xeno" modules), iv) modules found in the genomes of pathogenic bacteria of the "Entero" set ("pathogenic Enterobacteriacae" modules) and v) modules found in the non pathogenic E. coli K12 strain ("Enterobacteriaceae" modules).