Figure 5.
Phylogenetic tree (PhyML) of 145 representative P-DUDES domains. Coloured according to taxonomic group of origin (inner pie chart, brown: vertebrate, grey: marine metagenome, red: gamma-proteobacteria, pink: high-GC group bacteria, blue: CFB group bacteria, turquoise: Cyanobacteria, yellow: beta-proteobacteria, green: alpha-proteobacteria) and presence of the presumed active site cysteine residues (outer ring, yellow : "typical" P-DUDES (Cys-P, Cys-R) arrangement, brown: ICK motif instead of CysP, green: KCR motif, pink: KCV motif, aquamarine: TCY motif). Branches with support values > 0.8 are marked with grey circles.