Figure 4.
Knockdown of Nogo-A protects cardiomyocytes from H-R induced DNA fragmentation. NRVMs were infected with either shScr or shN adenovirus, and subjected to normoxia or H-R. A) DNA fragmentation was analyzed using TUNEL staining. Shown are representative images of nuclei stained with Hoechst 33342 and TUNEL reaction mixture. Scale bar: 10μM. B) Quantitative comparison of TUNEL positive cells between Ad-shScr or Ad-shN infected NRVMs subjected to normoxia (open bars) or H-R (closed bars). Data shown are the means ± SEM. *p < 0.01 (n=5); One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc analysis. C) Internucleosomal DNA was isolated from NRVMs and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Lane 1, 1 kb molecular weight markers. Lane 2, DNA from NRVMs infected with shScr adenovirus and subjected to normoxia. Lane 3, DNA from NRVMs infected with shN adenovirus and subjected to normoxia. Lane 4, DNA from NRVM infected with shScr adenovirus and subjected to H-R. Lane 5, DNA from NRVMs infected with shN adenovirus and subjected to H-R.