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. 2011 May;7(3 Suppl):18s–24s. doi: 10.1200/JOP.2011.000300

Table 1.

Description of the HTA Organizations and Their Respective Reviews

HTA Organization Organization Type Year Formed Overarching Question(s) Addressed by HTA and Distinguishing Features Is Evidence Ranked or Recommendation Provided HTA Review Availability Range of Technologies Assessed Capacity of Personalized Medicine Reviews (total No. of reviews issued)
BCBS TEC Association of private payers 1985 Does a technology meet 5 criteria? No evidence ranking or recommendations are provided. Public Procedures using novel technologies; imaging tests; biologics and novel therapies (eg, vaccines); genetic testing Lower volume (< 15 genomic reviews)16
Judged by regulatory status, evidence quality, net health benefit, better than alternatives, benefits in the real world
ECRI Private nonprofit 1969 Clinical effectiveness evaluation was based on key questions specific to topic. No recommendations are provided. Fee-based Behavioral interventions; procedures using novel technologies; genetic tests; laboratory tests; novel treatments; imaging tests; home care technologies Higher volume (> 15 reports on genomics)17
360-degree technology overview
EGAPP Independent panel assembled by CDC 2004 Should a genomic technology be used in clinical practice? Evidence is ranked, and recommendations for clinical practice are provided. Public Genetic technologies Low volume (< 10 genomic reviews)18
Specific focus on genomic technologies
Hayes Private 1996 What is the strength of evidence for a specific technology? Evidence is ranked A-D. No recommendations are provided. Fee-based Drugs and biologics; laboratory tests; imaging diagnostics; genetic tests; behavioral interventions; procedures using novel technologies; alternative medicine High volume (> 100 reviews of genomics)19
Assesses strength and direction (positive/negative) of evidence
ICER Academic 2006 What is the comparative value of a technology (clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness)? Evidence is ranked. No recommendations are provided. Public Imaging diagnostics; procedures using novel technologies; comparison of treatment options In planning20
UpToDate Private 1992 Clinical topic review, including relevant genomic and other technologies Recommendations for clinical practice are provided. Fee-based Broad range of technologies and services for a specific disease, including procedures; diagnostic tests; treatments and health services High volume (> 100 reports, including genetics)22
USPSTF Independent panel assembled by AHRQ 1984 Should a preventive service be used in clinical practice? Evidence is ranked, and recommendations are provided. Public Preventive and screening services and technologies Low volume (< 10 genomic reviews)21
Specific focus on preventive services

Abbreviations: AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; BCBS TEC, Blue Cross Blue Shield Technology Evaluation Center; CDC, Centers for Disease Control; ECRI, Emergency Care Research Institute; EGAPP, Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention; HTA, health technology assessment; ICER, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review; USPSTF, United States Preventive Services Task Force.