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. 2011 May;7(3 Suppl):e8s–e15s. doi: 10.1200/JOP.2011.000314

Table 3.

Cox Models for BC-P4P Enrollment and Other Factors Related to Survival and Recurrence

Characteristic 5-Year Overall Survival
5-Year Recurrence
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Exp (β) 95% CI P Exp (β) 95% CI P Exp (β) 95% CI P Exp (β) 95% CI P
Age 1.012 1.002 to 1.021 .019 1.010 1.000 to 1.019 .045 0.983 0.976 to 0.990 < .001 0.982 0.975 to 0.989 < .001
Stage II (stage I, reference) 2.562 1.947 to 3.371 < .001 2.354 1.783 to 3.108 < .001 1.801 1.522 to 2.130 < .001 1.697 1.432 to 2.012 < .001
Comorbidity 1.885 1.608 to 2.211 < .001 1.856 1.579 to 2.182 < .001 1.478 1.266 to 1.724 < .001 1.436 1.229 to 1.677 < .001
Margin free 0.719 0.465 to 1.114 .140 0.820 0.525 to 1.279 .382 0.652 0.494 to 0.861 .003 0.717 0.540 to 0.952 .021
Breast-conserving surgery 0.903 0.698 to 1.168 .437 1.106 0.829 to 1.474 .495 1.087 0.924 to 1.280 .314 1.289 1.067 to 1.557 .008
Public hospital 0.990 0.781 to 1.254 .931 1.282 0.995 to 1.653 .055 0.862 0.729 to 1.020 .084 1.010 0.843 to 1.210 .912
Medical school–affiliated hospital 0.896 0.722 to 1.112 .320 0.711 0.561 to 0.901 .005 0.956 0.824 to 1.108 .548 0.831 0.704 to 0.982 .030
Surgeon volume 0.999 0.996 to 1.003 .737 1.000 0.997 to 1.002 .658
Quality of care 0.212 0.089 to 0.502 < .001 0.289 0.162 to 0.516 < .001
BC-P4P enrollment 0.167 0.064 to 0.432 < .001 0.370 0.200 to 0.685 .002
Interaction of surgeon volume and quality of care 1.001 0.996 to 1.006 .727 1.001 0.998 to 1.004 .480
Interaction of BC-P4P and quality of care 7.016 1.855 to 26.530 .004 3.183 1.393 to 7.274 .006
Propensity score 0.989 0.474 to 2.064 .976 0.716 0.428 to 1.199 .204

Abbreviation: BC-P4P, pay-for-performance program for breast cancer care.