Figure 3.
KEAP1 promoter methylation is a predictor of disease progression in malignant gliomas. (A) Kaplan-Meier curves showing the relationship of KEAP1 and MGMT methylation with progression free survival (PFS). An association between better outcome and methylated status was demonstrated for both KEAP1 (left part p = 0.01 Long rank Test) and MGMT (right part p = 0.01 Long rank test). (B) Identification of glioma patients subgroups at different risk to progress by RECPAM analysis. Splitting variables are shown between branches, while condition sending patients to left or right sibling is on relative branch. Class 1 with lowest mortality was reference category (HR = 1). Circles indicate subgroups of patients. Squares indicate patient subgroup RECPAM classes. Numbers inside circles and squares represent the number of events (top) and the number of non-events (bottom), respectively.