Figure 3. Phylogenetic relationships of B. × rhynchopetala with B. gymnorrhiza, B. sexangula, B. cylindrica, and B. parviflora based on nuclear genomic data.
(A) Bayesian tree based on ribosomal ITS data using the GTR+gamma model (base frequencies A = 0.21, C = 0.36, T = 0.13, and G = 0.30; and gamma = 0.26). Bootstrap (BS; above branch; based on ML analyses) and posterior probability (PP; below branch) values >50% are indicated. Individuals of Rhizophora were used as outgroup. (B) Neighbor-joining tree of 112 individuals from all sample sites based on Jaccard distances calculated from the ISSR markers. Numbers above clades are bootstrap support values (values below 50% are not given).