Individual Differences in Political Attitudes and Brain Structure
(A) Regions of the anterior cingulate where gray matter volume showed a correlation with political attitudes (see Experimental Procedures for full details) are shown overlaid on a T1-weighted MRI anatomical image in the stereotactic space of the Montreal Neurologic Institute Template [29]. A statistical threshold of p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons (see Experimental Procedures), is used for display purposes. The correlation (left) between political attitudes and gray matter volume (right) averaged across the region of interest (error bars represent 1 standard error of the mean, and the displayed correlation and p values refer to the statistical parametric map presented on the right) is shown.
(B) The right amygdala also showed a significant negative correlation between political attitudes and gray matter volume. Display conventions and warnings about overinterpreting the correlational plot (left) are identical to those for (A).