Appendix 1.
Structured Effectiveness Quality Evaluation Scale (SEQES)
Score each question 0–2 (Higher score indicated higher quality)
Study question |
1. Was the relevant background work cited to establish a foundation for the research question? |
Study design |
2. Was a comparison group used? |
3. Was patient status at more than one time point considered? |
4. Was data collection performed prospectively? |
5. Were patients randomized to groups? |
6. Were patients blinded to the extent possible? |
7. Were treatment providers blinded to the extent possible? |
8. Was an independent evaluator used to administer outcome measures? |
Subjects |
9. Did sampling procedures minimize sample/selection bias? |
10. Were inclusion/exclusion criteria defined? |
11. Was an appropriate enrollment contained? |
12. Was an appropriate retention/follow-up obtained? |
Intervention |
13. Was the intervention applied according to established principles? |
14. Were biases due to the treatment provider minimized (i.e. attention, training, etc)? |
15. Was the intervention compared to appropriate comparator? |
Outcomes |
16. Was an appropriate primary outcome defined? |
17. Were appropriate secondary outcomes considered? |
18. Was an appropriate follow-up period incorporated? |
Analysis |
19. Was an appropriate statistical test(s) performed to indicate differences related to the intervention? |
20. Was it established that the study had significant power to identify treatment effects? |
21. Was the size and significance of the effects reported? |
22. Were missing data accounted for and considered in the analyses? |
23. Were the cliwenical and practical significance considered in interpreting results? |
Recommendations |
24. Were the conclusions/clinical recommendations supported by the study objectives, analysis and results? |
Total quality score = |