(A) Ectopic expression of Flag-tagged Snai1 in MCF10A cells downregulates epithelial markers E-cadherin and Occludin. Protein lysates from control and Snai1-expressing MCF10A cells were probed by Western blotting with indicated antibodies.
(B) Diagrams of the proximal promoters of E-cadherin, CLDN7, and KRT8. Vertical bars represent E-boxes. Arrows indicate primers used in ChIP assays.
(C) Snai1 is specifically enriched at the proximal promoter of E-cadherin in vivo as demonstrated by ChIP analysis. The results represent percentage of input chromatin and error bars indicate standard deviations (S.D.) from triplicate experiments.
(D) Snai1 is present at the promoters of CLDN7 and KRT8 in Snai1-expressing cells.
(E) Expression of Snai1 in MCF10A dissociates RNA polymerase II (Pol) from the E-cadherin promoter.
(F) Snai1 decreases Pol II binding to the CLDN7 and KRT8 promoters.