a, d Anticipated molecular events unfolding in Donor/Reporter (a) or Donor/Target (d) trans-heterozygous (TH) males. The Donor locus expresses I-SceI under the control of the male germline promoter β2-tubulin. The Reporter and the Target loci contain an I-SceI recognition site within the GFP gene. a, In Donor/Reporter TH males I-SceI activity is detected by scoring events that restore the GFP reading frame upon cleavage of the I-SceI recognition site. d, In Donor/Target TH males cleavage of the Target locus is followed by end resection and homing of the I-SceI gene from the homologous chromosome. This leads to the inactivation of the GFP reporter gene and can also lead to co-conversion of the NotI molecular marker (Pax; 3xP3 promoter, Act; Actin5C promoter). c, f Phenotypic analysis of progeny from crosses of Donor/Reporter (b, c) or Donor/Target (e, f) trans-heterozygote with wild-type (WT) mosquitoes. The column graphs show the percentage of GFP− and GFP+ individuals. The bar graphs on the right show, as a percentage of the total progeny, the GFP−RFP+CFP+, GFP−RFP−CFP+ and GFP−RFP−CFP− individuals observed. The inset (f, right panel) shows the molecular genotype of GFP−RFP+CFP+ individuals analyzed for the presence of the HEG and the NotI molecular markers.