Figure 3.
Construction and Characterization of OLIG2S147A Transgenic Mice
(A) The OLIG2 open reading frame in a mouse Olig2 PAC was modified to contain a single mutation Serine147 → Alanine and a downstream V5-tag (Olig2S147A). A V5-tagged wild-type sequence was made as a control (Olig2WT). (B) Identification of single-copy transgenic founders by Southern blot. The transgene band was normalized to the endogenous Olig2 band; founders whose transgene band was less intense than the endogenous band carried one copy of the Olig2 transgene.
(C and D) Transgenic embryos expressed OLIG2 faithfully in the ventral spinal cord. Transverse sections of E11.5 spinal cords from Olig2WT (C) and Olig2S147A (D) transgenic embryos were coimmunolabeled with OLIG2 (red) and the V5 epitope (green).