AGR2 expression induces YAP1 nuclear localization and the expression of YAP1 targets. Wild-type H460 (A–D) and H460_AGR2KD (E and F) cells labeled with anti-YAP1 antibodies (red) or DAPI nuclear stain (blue). Panels A, C, and E display both the red and blue channels, whereas panels B, D, and F display only the red channel. Panels A–D all represent the same cells except that the images acquired for panels C and D were obtained at a higher gain in the red channel to reveal subcellular YAP1 distribution in cells with lower expression. Panels E and F represent H460_AGR2KD cells with reduced AGR2 expression. The contrast was enhanced in panels E and F to facilitate determination of the YAP1 subcellular distribution. The white asterisks in panels D and F denote cells with predominant cytoplasmic YAP1 localization. There are 190 cells as determined by DAPI nuclear staining in panels A–D and 159 cells in panels E and F. G, qPCR of YAP1 targets in H460 cells with (KD) or without (WT) AGR2 knockdown or in control cells without (YAP1WT) or with YAP1 knockdown (YAP1KD).