Fig. 5.
p38 MAPK increases HSP27 and cryAB phosphorylation in cardiomyocytes. A: paraffin sections of isolated heart LV were stained with anti-pSer86-HSP27 (red) and visualized with confocal microscopy. No primary CP group received both secondary antibodies and anti-MLC-2v. sHSP, small heat shock protein. B: sections were stained with anti-pSer59-cryAB (red), MLC-2v (green), and ToPro3 (nuclei, blue) and visualized as in A. Images are representative of at least 6 animals per group. Inclusion of SB-203580 (5 μM) in the cardioplegia solution completely blocked CP/R-induced changes in phosphorylation. C: high-magnification images of CP-treated samples stained with anti-pSer82-HSP27 (red) or pSer59-cryAB (red), as well as MLC-2v (green) and ToPro-3 (nuclei, blue).