Figure 5.
Divergent properties of recipes reprogramming sporulation to cell cycle under growth condition. (A) Potency versus efficiency of a recipe. (B) Cell cycle attractors are unequal in terms of their capability to sporulate. When starting from the states within 5 evolving steps to the 12 cell cycle attractors, their percentages of converging to sporulation attractors under sporulation condition vary significantly. (C) Heterogeneity deviation versus efficiency of a recipe. The six Pareto optimal recipes are highlighted on the Pareto frontier. Right panel: heterogeneity profiles for the wild type and reprogrammed cells. Wild type cells under growth condition populate in 12 basins (A1 to A12 and colored differently) and the basin size is proportional to the width of each color in the profile bar. Cells reprogrammed by different recipes show different extent of deviation from the natural cells. See also Additional file 4, Table S4.