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. 2011 Feb 13;2011:179876. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nep134

Table 2.

Animal taxa recorded as having medicinal properties.

Family/species/local name Number of mentions Relative importance (UV) Part used and way of administration Disease (or illness)
   Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus,   1758)-Starfish, “estrela-do-mar” 7 0.106 Whole animal (3, 5) Asthma
   Megalobulimus oblongus (MÏller,   1774)-clam 4 0.06 Whole animal (5) Asthma
   Iphigenia brasiliensis (Lamarck,   1818)-“concha-do-mar” 3 0.045 Shell (8) Teething
   Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758)   “abelha” (Africanized honey bee) 22 0.333 Honey (4, 18) Bronchitis, “catarrh in the chest”, coughs, influenza, sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, tuberculosis and whooping cough
   Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus,   1758)-American cockroach, “barata” 14 0.212 Offal (9) Earache
   Whole animal (3) Asthma
   Acromyrmex landolti (Emery,   1980)-“saúva” 11 0.166 Whole animal (5) Asthma
   Atta cephalotes-“tanajura” 47 0.712 Abdomen (4) Sore throat, “catarrh in the chest”, cough and hoarseness
   Nasutitermes macrocephalus (Silvestri,   1903)-Termite, “cupim” 39 0.590 Whole animal (16) Bronchitis, “catarrh in the chest” coughs, influenza, sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis and hoarseness
   Protonectarina sylveirae (Saussure,   1854)-“marimbondo-preto”   “marimbondo-mosquito” 34 0.515 Nest (19, 5) Mumps, hemorrhage, blooding and menstrual problems
   Gadus morhua, Linnaeus,   1758VU-Atlantic cod “Bacalhau” 3 0.045 Fat (2, 6, 4) Backache and rheumatism
   Leptodactylus vastus, Lutz, 1930-“Jia” 18 0.272 Fat (4), meat (1, 12) Sore throat
   Mesoclemmys tuberculata   (Luederwaldt, 1926)-Tuberculate   toadhead turtle, “cágado”,   “cágado-d'água” 38 0.575 Fat (2, 6, 17) Column pain backache, rheumatism, swell, furuncles and tumors
   Crotalus durissus (Linnaeus,   1758)DD/III-Neotropical rattlesnake,   “cascavel” 46 0.696 Fat (2, 6, 4) Rheumatism, pains in general, backache, and inflammation
   “Maracá” (rattle) (8) Snake bite
   Iguana iguana (Linnaeus,   1758)DD/II-Common iguana,   “camaleão” 43 0.651 Fat (2, 6, 4, 9) Rheumatism, pains in general, column pain, sore throat, earache, arthritis, osteoarthritis, furuncles and tumors
   Bones (3, 14) Rheumatism, arthritis and osteoarthritis
   Tupinambis merianae (Duméril &   Bibron, 1839)DD/II - Lizard,“teju”,   “tejuaçú” 59 0.893 Fat (4, 9, 2, 6, 17) Sore throat, earache, “catarrh in the chest”, coughs, influenza, hoarseness, tumor and swelling
   Chelonoidis carbonaria (Spix,   1824)DD/II-Red-footed tortoise,   “jabuti” 9 0.136 Fat (2, 6, 17) Furuncles, tumors and pains in general
   Whole animal (11) Asthma
   Tropidurus hispidus (Spix,   1825)-“lagartixa” (Lizard) 34 0.515 Offal (6) Erysipelas, chilblain, warts, skin spots and cracks in the sole of the feet
   Tail (5) Asthma
   Whole animal (1, 5, 6) Asthma, chilblain, warts and skin spots
   Buteogallus urubitinga (J. F. Gmelin,   1788)-“gavião-cauã” 3 0.045 Bones (3, 14) Backache, Column pain and rheumatism
  Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus,   1758-“patos” (Domestic duck) 27 0.409 Eggs (4, 12) Male impotence, and weakness
   Netta erythrophthalma   (Wied-Neuwied, 1833)-“paturi” 19 0.287 Eggs (4, 12) Male impotence and weakness
   Coragyps atratus (Bechstein,   1793)-“urubu” (Black vulture) 18 0.272 Liver and feather (3, 5, 15) Asthma, alcoholism
   Whole animal (16) Tuberculosis
   Columba livia (Gmelin,   1789)-“pombo” (Rock pigeon) 6 0.090 Meat (12) Asthma
   Columba picazuro, Temminck,   1813-“asa-branca” 5 0.075 Whole animal (1, 12) Sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis and hoarseness
   Leptotila rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard,   1792)-Gray-fronted dove, “juriti” 8 0.121 Gizzard (10) Pterygium
   Cyanocorax cyanopogon (Wied,   1821)-White-naped jay, “cancão” 21 0.318 Whole animal (11) Asthma
   Herpetotheres cachinnans (Linnaeus,   1758)LR/II-“acauã” (Laughing falcon) 3 0.045 Whole animal (1) Sore throat, tonsillitis and hoarseness
   Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus,   1758-turkey, “peru” 13 0.196 Fat (17, 2, 6) Furuncles, tumors and cracks in the sole of the feet
   Feather (3) Asthma
   Numida meleagris Linnaeus,   1758-Helmeted Guineafowl, “Guiné” 9 0.136 Fat (6, 17) Tumors and furuncles
   Whole animal (1) Pertussis
   Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus,   1758)-“codorna” 37 0.560 Eggs (4, 12) Male impotence, urinary infection and weakness
   Gallus gallus domesticus (Linnaeus,   1758)-Domestic chicken, “galinha” 59 0.893 Fat (4, 2, 6, 17, 9) Bronchitis, “catarrh in the chest”, coughs, influenza, sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis, swelling, furuncles, tumors, and earache
   Gizzard (5) Poor digestion
   Eggs (6) Problems of navel, Healing of umbilical cord of newborn baby
   The whole animal (13) It is long of the child to begin to speak to assist children who take longer than usual to start walking
   Pavo cristatus Linnaeus, 1758-“pavão”,   Indian peafowl 16 0.242 Featherses (3) Asthma
   Amazona aestiva (Linnaeus,   1758)-“papagaio” 5 0.075 Feces (5, 6) Asthma, skin spots and acne
   Rhea americana (Linnaeus, 1758)   LR/II-Greater rhea, “ema” 4 0.060 Eggs (4, 12) Weakness and malnutrition
   Fat (2, 6) Pains in general
   Fluvicola nengeta (Linnaeus,   1766)-Masked water-tyrant,   “lavandeira” 12 0.181 The whole animal (3) Asthma
   Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758-“gado”   (cattle) (cow) 42 0.636 Bone marrow (1, 12) Problems in the nerves and weakness
   “Fel” (bile) (2, 6) Suck a splinter out of skin or flesh
   Excretion urinary (2, 4) Chilblain, diabetes and conjunctivitis
   Penis (3, 5) Asthma
   Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758-“cabra”,   “bode” (Domestic goat) 33 0.5 Milk (4, 12) Weakness and malnutrition
   Hair (3) Asthma
   Ovis aries (Linnaeus, 1758)-“carneiro”   (Sheep) 56 0.848 Suet (2) Hard nerve, suck a splinter out of skin or flesh, cardiac problems, inflammation, sprains and swelling
   Canis lupus familiaris (Linnaeus,   1758)-“cachorro” (Domestic dog) 19 0.287 Feces (5) Measles and chicken pox
   Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766)LR/II-   “raposa” (Fox) 49 0.742 Fat (2) Arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, column pain, sprain and swelling
   Cavia aperea Erxleben, 1777-“Preá” 16 0.242 Fat (2, 6) Crack in the feet cracks in the sole of the feet,
   Teeth (8), head (1) and whole animal (1) Teething
   Kerodon rupestris (Wied-Neuwied,   1820)-“Mocó” (Rock cavy) 15 0.227 Fat (9) Deafness
   Estomach (5) Thrombosis and effusion
   Dasypus novemcinctus, (Linnaeus,   1758)-“tatu” 43 0.651 Tail (9) Deafness and earache
   Didelphis albiventris (Lund,   1840)-“timbú” (Common opossum) 8 0.121 Fat (2, 6) Arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, backache, rheumatism and sprains
   Equus asinus Linnaeus,   1758-“jumento” (Asino) 37 0.560 Milk (4) Weakness and malnutrition to assist children who take longer than usual to start walking
   “Trace” (footprints) (6)
   Equus caballus (Linnaeus,   1758)-“cavalo” (Horse) 7 0.106 Hair (7) Warts
   Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758, 1775-“gato”   (Domestic cat) 4 0.06 The whole animal (6) Rubella
   Homo sapiens Linnaeus, 1758-“gente”   (People) 11 0.166 Excretion Urinary (2, 6, 4) Itching, insect bite, conjunctivitis and diabetes
   Conepatus semistriatus (Boddaert,   1785)-“tacaca” (Striped hog-nosed   skunk) 11 0.166 Fat (2, 4) Arthritis and osteoporosis
   Sus scrofa (Linnaeus, 1758)-“porco”   (Pig) 28 0.424 Fat (2, 6) Crack in the feet, burns and wounds
   “Fel” (bile) (2, 6) Suck a splinter out of skin or flesh
   Trichechus inunguis (Nattrer, 1883)VU/I-   “peixe-boi” (Amazonian manatee) 5 0.075 Fat (2, 4) Wounds, inflammation, sprain, muscle strain, suck a splinter out of skin or flesh, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatism
   Molossus molossus (Pallas, 1766),   Pallas' free-tailed bat (Bat) 2 0.03 The whole animal (3) Asthma

(1) ingestion of the cooked broth; (2) ointment to be rubbed in the affected area; (3) tea of the toasted powder; (4) ingestion of the raw part; (5) tea; (6) to place on the affected area; (7) to use as cable; (8) to use as amulet; (9) introduced in the ear; (10) powder on the affected area; (11) to create as estimate animal; (12) ingestion of the cooked part; (13) introduced in the mouth; (14) powder ingested with food; (15) mixed with alcoholic drink and taken as drink; (16) mixed with sugar and taken as syrup; (17) mixed with plants to do cataplasm; (18) mixed with plants and taken as drink; (19) dissolved and used as cataplasm. IUCN Red List Categories: DD: Deficient Data, LR: Least Concern, VU: Vulnerable. Cites Appendix-I, II or III.