Fig. 6. Tsr-HAMP lesions that cause attractant-mimic and reversed response output patterns.
(A) Rotation patterns for cells expressing the Tsr-E248V receptor. The upper histogram shows patterns in Δ(cheRB) (dark gray bars) and (cheRB)+ (light gray bars) hosts. The lower histogram shows patterns in Δ(cheR) cheB+ (white bars) and in Δ(cheB) cheR+ (black bars) hosts. At right is a biphasic output diagram for E248V and for four other E248 lesions that cause similar signaling behavior (see Table S4). Their low CW output in the QEQE state (dark gray circles) is greatly enhanced by CheR (black circles) and unaffected by CheB.
(B) Rotation patterns for cells expressing the Tsr-P221W receptor. The hosts and shading conventions are described in panel (A). At right is a biphasic output diagram for P221W and for the P221L lesion, which causes similar signaling behavior (see Table S4). Their intermediate CW outputs in the QEQE state (dark gray circles) are reduced by CheB (white circle), and increased by CheR (black circles).
(C) Rotation patterns for cells expressing the Tsr-A233V receptor. The hosts and shading conventions are described panel (A). At right is a biphasic output diagram for A233V and for two other HAMP lesions with similar signaling behavior (see Table S4). Their high CW outputs in the QEQE state (dark gray circle) are substantially reduced by CheR (black circle), but relatively unchanged by CheB.
(D) Rotation patterns for cells expressing the Tsr-I229A receptor. The hosts and shading conventions are described in panel (A). At right is a biphasic output diagram for I229A and for two other HAMP lesions that cause similar signaling behavior (see Table S4). Their low CW outputs in the QEQE state (dark gray circles) are enhanced by CheB (white circles), but relatively unchanged by CheR.