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. 2011 May 13;(98):29–82. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.98.925

Table 3.

Diagnostic comparisons between adults and pupae of Macrosaccus and Phyllonorycter.

Character Macrosaccus Phyllonorycter
Sternum 8 Unmodified (not extended) Caudally extended
Male genitalia: apex of tegumen With 2 setae No setae
Male genitalia: saccus Saccus longer than valva in all species Saccus shorter than valva except in two Afrotropical species
Male genitalia: setation of valva Only apex of valva densely covered with elongate, stout setae Other types of setation
Male genitalia: aedeagus ca. 2× as long as genital capsule from apex of tegumen to anterior end of vinculum Significantly shorter except in three Afrotropical species
Female genitalia: signum Consisting of numerous microscopic spicules scattered or in linear series on subcaudal part of corpus bursae Signa not scattered, often confined to 1–2 moderately sclerotized, oval areas
Forewing venation Rs4 arises either from base of Rs3 or is stalked with Rs3 Rs3 and Rs4 separate
Pupa: accessory cremaster of sternum 7 An elongate, transverse ridge bearing 18-21 oblique rows of minute spines No transverse ridge; instead located midventrally, with 1-2 pairs of lateral spines