Figure 3.
Anterior views of ring 6 (A–D, F) and ring 9 (E) of male Asphalidesmus spp., photographed at same scale; scale bar = 0.5 mm. A Atopodesmus allynensis sp. n., holotype, AM KS94167 B Atopodesmus dorrigensis sp. n., paratype, AM KS61085 C Atopodesmus otwayensis sp. n., paratype, ANIC 64-000207 D Atopodesmus bellendenkerensis sp. n., paratype, QM S90018 E Atopodesmus carbinensis sp. n., holotype, QM S90023 F Atopodesmus minor sp. n., paratype, ANIC 64-000205. (See Fig. 1 for comparable views of Atopodesmus leae Silvestri, 1910 and Atopodesmus magnus sp. n.)