Sequence alignment of Mak1p, Mak2p, and Mak3p. (A)
Alignment of two PAS/PAC domains of S. pombe (S.p.)
Mak1p (a and b) with similar domains in S. pombe (S.p.)
Mak2p and Mak3p, Mus musculus (M.m.) PER3 and CLOCK,
D. melanogaster (D.m.) SIM, human (H.s.) HIF1α,
Rhizobium meliloti (R.m.) FixL, and E.
coli (E.c.) Aer proteins. Homologies were identified by
reiterative PSI-BLAST searches. Amino acid similarities are represented
in color: yellow for proline, turquoise for hydrophobic residues (I, L,
V, F, M, C), purple for acidic residues (E, D), red for basic residues
(K, R), dark blue for aromatic residues (H, Y), green for polar
residues (Q, S, T, N), and orange for glycine. Sequences are colored
automatically on the basis of an alignment consensus that is calculated
automatically by the CLUSTAL program. Residues that are completely
conserved (*), highly conserved (:) or mostly conserved (.) are
indicated. (B) Alignment of the GAF domain in S. pombe
(S.p.) Mak2p and Mak3p with those in C. albicans (C.a.)
HK1, Arabidopsis thaliana (A.t.) Etr1 and PhyE,
E. coli (E.c.) FhlA, and Pharbitus nil
(P.n.) and Pinus sylvestris (P.s.) PhyE proteins.
Homologies are displayed as in A. (C) Atypical serine/threonine-kinase
domains of S. pombe (S.p.) Mak2p and Mak3p, C.
albicans (C.a.) HK1, M. tuberculosis (M.t.)
PknB, and two uncharacterized proteins from Streptomyces
coelicolor (St. c.; CAB45215) and Lactococcus
lactis (L.l.; CAA10713). Homologies are displayed as in A.