Figure 2.
Transcript ratios of P. euphratica and P. × canescens sorted according to the original poplar species used to construct the probe set on the microarray. All transcripts with significantly different signal intensities that were detected as present by the MAS 5.0 algorithm and had probe set SDs in the lower 95% quantile were used (f2, Table 2). Signal log ratios were calculated as log-signal(P. euphratica) - log-signal(P. × canescens), i.e. a positive value denotes a higher apparent expression in P. euphratica, a negative value correspondingly a higher apparent expression in P. × canescens. Sample number of significant transcripts (n) is displayed for each species. Boxes represent the interquartile length (IQL) and median, whiskers extend to the most extreme data point with a maximum length of 1.5 times IQL; outliers are shown as circles;