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. 2011 Apr 21;11:70. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-11-70

Table 2.

Percentage of subjects displaying each of the 17 side effects of methylphenidate during each treatment condition (Parent Ratings)*

Side Effect Total Side Effects Severe Side Effects
Placebo Active P-value Placebo Active P-value

Insomnia (%) 25 47 0,00 7 13 0,08

Nightmares (%) 15 12 0,39 2 1 0,68

Stares a lot (%) 26 31 0,30 4 4 0,96

Talks less (%) 13 23 0,01 2 4 0,49

Uninterested (%) 15 14 0,69 2 3 0,46

Decreased Appetite (%) 20 49 0,00 4 17 0,00

Irritable (%) 52 54 0,68 12 10 0,57

Stomachaches (%) 17 25 0,10 4 4 0,92

Headaches (%) 19 31 0,01 2 8 0,02

Drowsiness (%) 8 14 0,09 0 2 0,08

Sadness (%) 27 30 0,57 4 8 0,09

Prone to crying (%) 32 43 0,05 7 6 0,88

Anxious (%) 37 34 0,54 7 4 0,25

Bites fingernails (%) 21 22 0,86 8 8 0,76

Euphoria (%) 31 20 0,03 8 5 0,21

Dizziness (%) 7 5 0,39 0 1 0,15

movements (%)
14 15 0,93 4 2 0,33

* % refers to the percentage of subjects in whom the side effect was rated 1 or higher on the scale of severity (1 to 9); % severe refers to the percentage of subjects in whom the side effect was rated 7 or higher.