Model: Requirement of motifs in
SIVmac239 Nef for its internalization and viral
infectivity. (A) Shown is the interaction of the C-terminal flexible
loop of Nef with V1H. Both the L194M195 and
D204D205 and to a lesser degree the
D184E185 motifs are required for the binding to
V1H, which then binds to AP-2. AP-2 also binds directly to the first
tyrosine-based motif (Y28GRL). AP-2 binds to clathrin and
V1H binds to and is part of the V-ATPase. Both loop motifs
(L194M195 and D204D205)
and the second tyrosine-based motif (Y39SQS) are required
for optimal viral infectivity. (B) Shown is the trafficking route of
the V-ATPase in the cell (modified from Stevens and Forgac, 1997). It
is similar to trafficking routes of Nef. The exocytic (left side) and
endocytic (right side) pathways are highlighted for clarity. On the
right side is the route of the V-ATPase from the plasma membrane to
early endosomes (1), late endosomes (2), and lysosomes (3). The
V-ATPase also trafficks in the exocytic route from the TGN directly (6)
or indirectly via the endosomal compartment (4 and 5) to the plasma
membrane (CCP, clathrin-coated pit; CCV, clathrin coated vesicle; m,
myristate; PM, plasma membrane; TGN, trans-Golgi