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. 2011 May 16;6(5):e19997. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019997

Figure 3. Flight distances and home ranges of bumblebees.

Figure 3

(a) Maximum flight distances (bees 1–8) recorded from radio-tracking. Blue arrows: Bombus hortorum individuals, green arrow: B. ruderatus, orange arrows: B. terrestris, (for distance estimates see Table 1). Note that bee 4 (B. hortorum) and bee 5 ( B. terrestris) are not illustrated with arrows due to their short flight distances. (b) Estimated home ranges (minimum convex polygons[MCP] and observation points) for individuals with ≥5 point locations(bee 1, 4, 7 B. hortorum, bee 3 B. ruderatus; see Table 1 for estimated home range sizes). Different colors represent different individuals (bee 1, 3, 4 and 7). The inset shows a more detailed view of the study site where the observation points of bee 4 (brown) and bee 7 (green) are plotted. Note that four observation points of bee 4 (lying on the MCP line) are covered by observation points of bee 7.