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. 2011 May 16;6(5):e19997. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019997

Table 1. Results from tracking individual bumblebees fitted with miniaturized radio transmitters.

ID Species Daysa(count) Locationsb(count) Home range sizec (ha) Distanced(m) Typical homing distancee (m) Maximum homing distancee (m)
Bee 1 B. hortorum 4 41 37.69 1,316 6,682 15,824
Bee 2 B. terrestris 4 4 - 2,535 3,975 9,229
Bee 3 B. ruderatus 2 5 43.53 1,943 6,150 14,518
Bee 4 B. hortorum 1 9 0.25 84 6,682 15,824
Bee 5 B. terrestris 1 2 - 17 3,975 9,229
Bee 6 B. terrestris 1 3 - 351 3,975 9,229
Bee 7 B. hortorum 1 11 1.37 397 6,682 15,824
Bee 8 B. terrestris 1 2 - 1,286 3,975 9,229

Number of days observed (from day of transmitter attachment to day of last observation).


Number of point locations recorded from radio tracking (including site of transmitter attachment).


Home range size (for individuals with ≥5 points) using the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method.


Distance between site of transmitter attachment and most distant location revealed from radio tracking.


calculated with model from Greenleaf et al. 2007.