Figure 12. Clinical case 3.
Patient who had been diagnosed with mandibular hypertrophy. However, the CBCT revealed components of maxillary and mandibular asymmetry (A) Frontal frontal view of 3D virtual surface models of the hard tissues of the face; (B) Stereolytographic models were built for treatment planning for this patient. The surgeon’s assessment of the sterolythographic models indicated the need to remove bone in the maxilla and mandibular corpus (marked lines), as the right mandibular corpus appeared to be longer vertically than the left side of the mandibular corpus. (C) However, virtual correction of mandibular yaw and roll (purple models) compared to the patient’s actual model (gray), shows that if the positional 3D cant of the mandible is corrected, the mirror images in (D) reveal that corpus vertical length is very similar in the left and right sides mirrors. The steps in (C) and (D) reveal that the mandible is less asymmetric than indicated by the clinical exam or visualized in the sterolythographic models.