Figure 4.
(A) A plot of the transmitted information across a majority of τ values for the analysis period shown in Figure 3A. The solid blue line is the transmitted information, while the dashed blue lines represent a 95% confidence interval. The solid red line denotes the median of 199 replications of our exchanged-resampling analysis, constructed by randomly exchanging spikes within trials of the same stimulus, so that the spike count and the PSTHs remain the same as the original data. The dashed red lines represent a 95% confidence interval for the exchanged-resampling data. We see that the maximum transmitted information (blue solid line) lies outside of the confidence interval of our exchanged-resampled data (red dashed line) at τ = 650 ms. (B) Clustering matrix of neural responses for the same cell. The (I, J) entries in this matrix correspond to a probability of classifying stimulus I (the rows of the matrix) to stimulus J (the columns of the matrix). (C) MDS results, with dots representing stimulus trials and star symbols representing the centroid response for each stimulus. NaCl and MSG were distinguished from each other as well as from the other four stimuli and AS, which were grouped together.