Figure 4.
Invertase secretion indices. Yeast strains CTY182 (wild-type, SEC14 CPT1 EPT1), CTY1-1A (sec14ts CPT1 EPT1), CTY160 (sec14-1ts cki1−), CTY468 (sec14-1ts pct1::URA3), or CTY434 (sec14ts cpt1::LEU2 EPT1) transformed with the vector control YEp352, or CPT1 or EPT1 in the high copy number YEp352 vector, were grown to mid-log phase in YPD (2% glucose) medium at 25°C. Cells were pelleted (2000 × g for 1 min), washed twice with water, and resuspended in 5 ml of YPD containing 0.1% glucose. Cultures were subsequently grown at 37°C to impose the temperature-sensitive phenotype and invertase activities were determined as described in “Experimental Procedures. ” Results are expressed as the mean ± SE (n = 6), except for CTY160 and CTY468 (n = 3).